Reasons To Sponsor A Child In The U.S.

27 July 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When you think about sponsoring a child in need, there's a good chance that you imagine a scenario in which you're sending money to someone in a developing country. Doing so will help to give a child a helping hand in the face of challenging circumstances, but your money doesn't necessarily have to leave the United States. If you're interested, there are many registered organizations that allow you to sponsor children in this country. Read More 

5 Reasons To Support A Child Abandonment Charity

22 January 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you're looking to support more charities, you may be wondering which kind of charities to give your money to. The choice is completely yours and you can decide by choosing which charities are of personal interest to you or top priority. One type of charity that you may want to consider donating to is child abandonment charities. These organizations and programs support children and teens who have no one else. Read More